Have fallen into the black hole of time-sucking that is Pinterest? We try to keep up, but we also need to do things like sleep, eat and run Design Public! But when we allow ourselves those wonderful moments to get inspired by the latest design ideas people have curated from around the web, we find ourselves drawn to these busy Pinners’ boards over and over again. And we wonder, when do they have time to eat or sleep!
sfgirlbybay / Victoria Smith. Smith’s bohemian modern taste and style has been one of our favorites for many years, all the way back to the early days of blogs and Flickr. Since then, we’ve seen her apply her unique personal style to different abodes around San Francisco, and most recently, we’ve been following her fixing up her new house in Los Angeles. She’s got 142 boards to keep track of, so know that once you hit her page, it will be a long time before you leave. Block out a good amount of time!
Tyler Goodro. We’ve had our eye on the guys behind Plastolux.com’s great eye for years, and his Pinboards keep us busy repinning.
Jonathan Boivin. Time and time again, we find ourselves getting lost in Jonathan’s boards, whether we want to be inspired by travel to incredible places, gorgeous interiors or street art.
Who are you following on Pinterest? Check out who we’re following and what we’re pinning here